February 14, 2025


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5 Efficient Apps that Will Change Your Life


Looking for efficient apps to help in your day to day? Check out our favorites!

Technology is a double-edged sword. It has helped us create innovative and meaningful applications to make our lives easier, but it is also the reason we’re lonelier and have bad posture. While it provides a safe space for most people, technology has also made us depend on it too much that now we get anxious when we don’t have our phones around us. 

In a flawless world, we’d know how to switch off and take a break from the apps we frequently use, but we’re humans, and we’re still learning. Luckily, we have plenty of options that work in our favor, so here are five efficient apps that can help us and change our lives in a better way. 

apps on iphone


Daily Water

We’re constantly told that we should drink water, but do we really acknowledge the importance of hydrating ourselves? Well, the app Daily Water does, and it helps track the quantity of water you drink and remind you to drink it at the right time. The features of this app include:

  • Setting a goal amount of drinking water and tracking it
  • Customizing the volume of each glass of water
  • Drinking schedule to remind you when you should drink water again
  • Analytics that show you the amount of water you drank in a certain period
  • Supports transferring the data to Health apps
  • Provides backup and restoring
  • Supports oz and ml as measuring metrics

You can download this app in the most used languages and get it free. It is only compatible with Apple devices (iPhone, iPod touch and Mac), but you can find alternatives for other phone systems as well. It is rated with 4.4 stars, and it’s pretty simple to be used by anyone. It’s a great tool to keep you healthy because drinking water can help you:

  • Maintain the balance of your body fluids
  • Control calories
  • Energise muscles 
  • Make your skin look good

Work and Rest

In the age of praising productivity, it’s quite difficult to know when to stop and rest. If you don’t ensure your body is taking a break, you might get into burnout, or even worse; fatigue can make you have an accident and hurt yourself. According to injuryatworkclaimsexpert.co.uk, most workers experience non-fatal injuries at the workplace due to fatigue caused by overworking. 

Even if they could file a compensation claim, people need to learn to switch off first.

Therefore, the app Work and Rest comes to help you rest and take some time to focus on yourself. You can find it on Google Play, so you need an Android phone to be able to use it. The features of this app are:

  • For working: Pomodoro timer, background sounds for concentration and relaxation, scheduled daily reminders and a cloud account. You can create categories of activities so that you can track them later. 
  • For rest: alarms for rest timers, silent modes that activate when the rest feature is on, tips on how to take advantage of your break and the ability to start the next interval timer automatically. On the activity screen, you’ll see when and what you need to do, so you won’t need to unlock your phone to see your progress. 

Efficient apps like this one also provides statistics with time diagrams, rest ratios and category pie charts so you can look at your progress and see how much you’ve worked and rested. Working smarter with frequent breaks is better than working long hours. 


Nothing is better than being a polyglot! You can travel to other countries and get the full experience, but learning a new language can also help you develop your memory and cognitive capacities. You should start by creating an account on Duolingo.

You can download this app on Android and Apple, and it also offers the possibility of using it on a desktop. It has one of the most good-looking interfaces, and it provides the following features:

  • Various learning methods through the exposure to stories, events and podcasts;
  • Goal-setting to learn for a certain period daily (and notifications to remind you to study);
  • Personalised learning is made through algorithms so you can learn at your pace;
  • Around 40 foreign languages for English speakers and more for other natives;
  • Combining learning with listening, writing, reading and talking exercises, as well as visual learning.


In a pandemic, everyone started having every hobby you can think of, but how many of them acquired skills from these hobbies? With Skillshare, you’ll be able to learn new skills, like creating NFTs or how to bind a book, and include them in your life. It can help you get a job, be promoted at the current one, or even help you get some knowledge, but this app is helpful. 

You can download Skillshare on your Android phone or have the desktop version, but either way, you can benefit from plenty of categories to learn:

  • Animation
  • Design
  • Photography
  • Writing

And much more! The classes are mainly videos, and they’re affordable for the quality they offer. You can see how the courses are rated so you can have a better idea about your “professors”, and you can also contribute and leave feedback where you think it’s necessary. 


If your goal in the quarantine was to be more fit, but you didn’t make it back then, now it’s your chance with the MyFitnessPal app! This tool helps you keep track of your foods and understand your habits (so you can break the bad ones) while joining communities that have the same interests as you!

What’s great about this app compared to other efficient apps is that you can scan barcodes to see how nutritious products are and save meals and recipes if you need inspiration for your next meals. 

You can also connect it with over 50 apps to track and measure your progress, like FitBit, Apple HealthKit or Samsung Health. The app is available on Android and Apple, and it’s free, but you can also benefit from premium features if you’re an athlete. 

Efficient Apps for Your Daily Life

If we use apps the right way, we can improve our lives, be healthier, more knowledgeable, and have better habits. The key is knowing when to stop and rest and what’s best for your lifestyle.


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