October 23, 2024


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Geospatial Solutions: The Key to Location-Based Decision Making

Geospatial Solutions: The Key to Location-Based Decision Making

Geospatial technology providers are a growing industry. The demand for location-based decision-making is growing, and geospatial solutions providers are working with several types of clients to ensure they can support their business needs.

Geospatial technology

Geospatial technology has evolved tremendously in the past decade. Geospatial technology is a catch-all term for the use of maps, location data and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to solve problems and make decisions.

In its simplest form, geospatial data can be used to show where something is on Earth’s surface or how it relates to other locations around it. For example: if you want to know how far away your nearest grocery store is from where your client lives, an app could tell them how long it would take them by walking or driving there versus taking public transportation or using Uber/Lyft services. In addition to providing this information off-the-shelf in apps like Google Maps or Apple Maps (or even integrated into existing software), many companies offer custom solutions based on their proprietary formats so that clients can leverage different types of data sets depending on their needs (elevation contours vs satellite imagery vs street level photos).

Geospatial solutions providers have worked with many different types of clients.

Geospatial solutions providers like Veridaas Corporation have worked with many different types of clients. They’ve worked with government agencies, universities and private companies in various industries. These geospatial solutions’ will help their clients make better decisions by using location data as an input or output for the decision-making process.

Support for geospatial technologies is in high demand.

As the adoption of geospatial technologies increases, so does the demand for support. The need for technical resources is particularly acute in today’s environment where organizations are looking to leverage their existing investments in GIS and remote sensing technology while adding new capabilities such as drone mapping and other emerging technologies. In addition, many companies have yet to implement any form of location-based decision-making at all but still want access to this valuable information.

Geospatial solutions providers can help organizations meet these demands by providing:

  • Support for existing geospatial technologies (e.g., ESRI ArcGIS);
  • Support for new geospatial technologies (e.g., DroneDeploy).

The future of geospatial technology is exciting and limitless.

Geospatial technology is constantly evolving and improving. This trend will continue as more businesses see the benefits of using geospatial solutions. The future of geospatial technologies is unlimited, with many exciting developments on the horizon.

Invest in the right technology for your business.

As a business owner, it’s essential to invest in the right technology for your business. Whether mapping software or drones, geospatial solutions providers can help you choose the right technology and implementation strategy. Geospatial solutions providers can also provide training on how to use the chosen solution so that all employees are familiar with how it works.

The future of geospatial technology and its applications is exciting and limitless. The use cases for this technology are numerous. It means that there is a huge demand for it. The key to success when choosing a solution provider is finding one that understands your business needs and knows how to implement them effectively.